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These are miscellaneous objects that are used throughout the library, documented here for reference.


The AssetTypes object is used to define the possible types of an Asset.

const AssetTypes = {
PIPE: "Pipe",
JUNCTION: "Junction",
VALVE: "Valve",
PUMP: "Pump",
SUPPLY_SOURCE: "SupplySource",
TANK: "Tank"
} as const;


The AssetReadings object holds the possible readings of an asset, retrieved through the readings API.

For tanks
level: [{
asset: string;
date: Date;
property: "level";
unit: Unit;
value: number
For pipes
flow: [{
asset: string;
date: Date;
property: "flow";
unit: Unit;
value: number
For junctions
pressure: [{
asset: string;
date: Date;
property: "pressure";
unit: Unit;
value: number
demand: [{
asset: string;
date: Date;
property: "demand";
unit: Unit;
value: number
For pumps
upstreamPressure: [{
asset: string;
date: Date;
property: "upstreamPressure";
unit: Unit;
value: number
downstreamPressure: [{
asset: string;
date: Date;
property: "downstreamPressure";
unit: Unit;
value: number
setting: [{
asset: string;
date: Date;
property: "setting";
unit: Unit;
value: number
status: [{
asset: string;
date: Date;
property: "status";
unit: Unit;
value: number
For valves
upstreamPressure: [{
asset: string;
date: Date;
property: "upstreamPressure";
unit: Unit;
value: number
downstreamPressure: [{
asset: string;
date: Date;
property: "downstreamPressure";
unit: Unit;
value: number
setting: [{
asset: string;
date: Date;
property: "setting";
unit: Unit;
value: number
status: [{
asset: string;
date: Date;
property: "status";
unit: Unit;
value: number


type AssetReadingsCollection<T extends AssetType> = {
date: Date
readings: AssetReadings<T>


const ValveFamilies = {
} as const;


const ValveGroups = {
Regulating: "regulating",
ShutOff: "shutOff"
} as const;


const PipeGroups = {
Main: "main",
Lateral: "lateral"
} as const;


const JunctionGroups = {
Hydrant: "hydrant",
CustomerPoint: "customerPoint",
Junction: "junction"
} as const;


The Unit object is used to define the possible units of a measurement. It is a string that can be one of the following values:

  • mm
  • in
  • kw
  • hp
  • m
  • ft
  • m^3
  • ft^3
  • ft^3/s
  • l/s
  • l/m
  • l/min
  • Ml/d
  • m^3/h
  • m^3/d
  • gal/min
  • Mgal/d
  • Mgallon-imp/d
  • acre ft/d
  • km
  • mi
  • mwc
  • m/s
  • mwc/km
  • ft/s
  • ft/kft
  • psi
  • percentage
  • h
  • ul
  • null


The Units object is used to define the measurement system used by the network. It is an object with the following properties:

International system

"system": "international",
"parameters": {
"capacity": "percentage",
"customer": null,
"element_length": "m",
"elevation": "m",
"flow": "l/s",
"network_length": "km",
"percentage": "percentage",
"pipe_diameter": "mm",
"pipe_status": null,
"power": "kw",
"pressure": "mwc",
"pump_status": null,
"relative_head": "m",
"roughness": null,
"tank_diameter": "m",
"unitary_headloss": "mwc/km",
"valve_status": null,
"velocity": "m/s",
"volume": "m^3",
"water_age": "h"

US Customary System

"system": "usCustomary",
"parameters": {
"capacity": "percentage",
"customer": null,
"element_length": "ft",
"elevation": "ft",
"flow": "gal/min",
"network_length": "mi",
"percentage": "percentage",
"pipe_diameter": "in",
"pipe_status": null,
"power": "hp",
"pressure": "psi",
"pump_status": null,
"relative_head": "ft",
"roughness": null,
"tank_diameter": "ft",
"unitary_headloss": "ft/kft",
"valve_status": null,
"velocity": "ft/s",
"volume": "ft^3",
"water_age": "h"


The Materials property is used to define the possible materials of a pipe. Its value can be one of:

  • AC: Asbestos Cement
  • ARO: Abrasion Resistant Outerwrap
  • CI: Cast Iron
  • COPP: Copper
  • CWOSMJ: Concrete Without Steel Metal Jacket
  • CWSMJ: Concrete With Steel Metal Jacket
  • DI: Ductile Iron
  • DIL: Lined Ductile Iron
  • FE: Iron
  • GI: Galvanized Iron
  • GIL: Lined Galvanized Iron
  • HDPE: High Density Polyethylene
  • L: Lead
  • LDPE: Low Density Polyethylene
  • MDPE: Medium Density Polyethylene
  • NA: Not Available
  • PC: Prestressed Concrete
  • PE: Polyethylene
  • PE80: Polyethylene 80
  • PE100: Polyethylene 100
  • PVC: Polyvinyl Chloride
  • PVCO: Oriented Polyvinyl Chloride
  • RC: Reinforced Concrete
  • S: Steel
  • SI: Spun Iron
  • SS: Stainless Steel
  • UNK: Unknown
  • UPVC: Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride


Time has 2 attributes:

  • time: The specific Date and time in UTC
  • timezone: The timezone to use to localize this date
type Time = {
time: Date
timezone: string